We've many of the most beautiful coasts on planet earth on our blog but which is your favorite coast? We'd love you to share it with us! You can do that here.
Robert shares the great things to do in Australia's Port Douglas and Cape Tribulation. From beaches to crocodile burgers - there is something for everyone. Don't worry if crocodile burgers aren't for you... there's always the emu option.
Jeanette takes us along Australia's highway to paradise and for a walk along 4 mile beach. Ready to head out on an adventure? Click here!
Not many beaches offer folk dancing but you'll find even this on the endless white sands of Tel Aviv. Just watch out for the matkot balls! Never heard of a matkot ball? Here's all you need to know about them, the folk dancing and, of course, the beaches.
Love blossoms for Taran and Melissa as they kayak and cycle their way around the Meditteranean island famed for having Europe's best beaches. Here is the story.
Do you know of a great coastal destination? Share a little about it! Minimum two paragraphs please or 400 words.
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The Tasman Peninsula Not rated yet
My favourite coastline is a place so pristine and unspoilt that being lucky enough to go there is like discovering a hidden treasure.
This well-kept …
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